Tuesday, October 19, 2010

More Halloween Costumes Ideas!

A good idea to start from but... we think it could be much more. How about making it 3D using our plastic core board or matt board and having actual items be in place to be removed.

Here's some examples of pieces that could be used on the costume. Butterflies, wooden sticks as bones,  there are several various types of hearts, tubes for added decoration as intestines, and apples for your Adam's apple (if applicable).

But we have lots and lots of apples. How about being an apple tree?

OR Better yet! Be the "Forbidden Fruit".. the Millennial Generation has to make all costumes sexy these days. Add a cute brown dress, brown tights, leaves (we have more then enough leaves), and attach apples. Done.

 Maybe this will be the writer's costume.. 

And here's one more costume idea. Fabric, poster board, and stuffing all available at the store!

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